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What is breathwork? 

The mechanics of breathwork

But what does breathwork feel like?

Breathwork takes you to the center of yourself. What happens there depends on what you need. If you need answers, you will find clarity. If you need peace, you will find rest. If you need healing, you will find wholeness. If you need transcendence, you will touch the Divine. But whatever you need, you will leave your breathwork session feeling refreshed, uplifted, and more you

The breathwork that I teach is a form of conscious circular breathing, which is a fancy way of saying that we don't pause between the breaths, which take the form of two inhales and an exhale. The accelerated breath increases the oxygen levels in the bloodstream, which in turn brings more oxygen to the brain. This activates different areas of the brain, allowing for the creation of new neural pathways and shifting us into an altered state of consciousness.

A word on breathwork and creativity

Breathwork was instrumental in activating my creativity after years of writer's block. I have used my own personal experience to develop breathwork processes specifically for writers, actors, and artists and creatives.

Register for upcoming classes and workshops or request a private breathwork session!



in·​spire | \ in-ˈspī(-ə)r

1. to fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

2. to breathe in

Copyright © Jenn Koiter 2022